The first step to navigating the terminal is to know where you can go. You can do this by typing in ls. This will show you where you can go. When you decide where to go you will type in cd followed by a space and where you want to go. For example you could say cd desktop and it would take you to your desktop. Once you are there you cna follow the same steps to go even farther in. If you want to return to the last place that you were you can use cd .. this can take you back as far as you can go. Using these command you should be able to naigate around the termainal.
Now lets talk about making new folders and files. To make a new folder use the mkdir if you use this followed by the name that you want the folder to be named it will create a new one in the foler you are in. For example mkdir website this will make a new folder called website. If you want to make a new file you cna use the echo command followed by what you want it to say in the file and the file name. For example echo "hello" >> index.html this will make a new file called index.html and will write hello in it.
Finally we will talk about how to use vim. To enter it use vim followed by the file name. For example vim index.html will put you in the file index.html in vim. You will notice when you enter vim that you can not use your cursor. You can navigate using the h,i,j,k h will move your cursor left. Next i will move your cursor right, j will move your cursor down and finally k will move your cursor up. When you enter vim you will be in normal mode. You can use i or a to enter insert mode. In insert mode you can type and edit the file. When you are done editing you can use the esc key to exit back into normal mode. If you wan to quit you can use :q this will quit without saving. If you do :wq this will quit and save. If you just want to save and not quit you use :w.